Setup a local development environment
This has been tested on Ubuntu 20 and 24 systems, and Ubuntu 22 under Windows Subsystem for Linux with Windows Server 2022.
Recommended IDE
It is recommended to use VSCode
with the Scala Metals
extension to be able to do live step by step debugging on the scala code.
Also, the repository contains a .vscode
folder with the recommended settings for the project, in particular a launch.json
file that allows you to debug the C++ code generated by the compiler using the debug_tests.cpp
file in the tests/
Install Kaitai compiler
We won't be using the official Kaitai compiler because we will be building our own, but it is the easiest way to get all the runtime libraries.
See the Kaitai docs, at the moment:
curl -LO
sudo apt-get install ./kaitai-struct-compiler_0.10_all.deb
Install Java
The default Java in Ubuntu 24 is Java 21, that does not work. You need to install Java 17, which is in the default repositories:
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
also make sure there are no other versions of Java installed:
sudo apt remove openjdk-21*
Install SBT
Follow the instructions at to install SBT.
Setup the Python environment
Checkout the repository:
git clone
Create a virtual environment and install the package:
sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv .env
pip install -e .
Run the tests
source .env/bin/activate
make test
See the documentation in the Makefile
to understand each step in the process.
Test the build step of a single file
When working on the compiler it is useful to force compilation of a single test case,
this assumes that you are using an IDE which is already taking care of building local/bin/awkward-kaitai-build
source .env/bin/activate
export testcase=simple_enum
make compile_test