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How to release the packages

Test a release on Windows

In case you do not have a local Windows machine for testing, you can use Jetstream 2, see instructions on how to spin up a Windows VM and enable WSL

Python package

The Python package is released to PyPI:

To release a new version, tag it in the repository and push the tag:

git tag -a 0.x.0 -m "Release 0.x.0"
git push origin 0.x.0

Then, create a new release on Github with the same tag and generate the release notes.

Make sure the repository is clean and the submodule has no extra changes:

git submodule update

Then, run the following commands to check the version:

pip install hatch
VERSION=$(hatch version)

And finally, release the package:

hatch release

if hatch complaints about keyring not working, disable it:


Jar file of the compiler

The jar file of kaitai-struct-compiler with Awkward support is built by:

cd kaitai_struct_compiler
sbt package

Is located at:

ls jvm/target/scala-*/kaitai-struct-compiler*.jar

It can be attached to the release on Github using gh with:

mv jvm/target/scala-*/kaitai-struct-compiler*.jar io.kaitai.kaitai-struct-compiler-0.10.jar
gh release upload $VERSION io.kaitai.kaitai-struct-compiler-0.10.jar